Re: Automation to change cell which has drop-down values does not work
Certain automations can not be triggered by a change to a cell which gets its value via a cell-link (formula pulling from another sheet.) I believe this includes the Change a Cell Value and the Recor…1 · -
Re: Conditional Logic Not Working Correctly In Form
@PKane There has to be a field higher up in the form that has logic forcing that Notes field to be visible. From my test sheet: Since the Amount field is higher up than the CheckInData checkbox, its …1 · -
Re: Combining Form URL query strings in Alert Someone workflows?
@TomW What about including the URL in a sheet column instead of in the message body? Then include just that column in your alert? I have a system that constructs custom event registration form URLs f…1 · -
Re: What must the formula look like so that the results correspond to the filter?
@Miranda_1 I think you will need to do separate COUNTIFS and add them together: =COUNTIFS({Projektliste Bereich 1}; OR(@cell = "on going"; @cell = "on hold"; @cell = "finishe…1 · -
Re: Meet Andrée Starå, our February Member Spotlight! 🎉
It's always interesting when @Andrée Starå and I are both helping out on someone's question. His creative solutions usually approach the issue from another angle than mine entirely, challenging me to…3 ·